Winter Tips For A Healthy Mouth

March 14, 2020 0 By Nishant

As all of us are aware, that dropping temperatures, biting wind, and a drier climate are not ideal for our skin. But anyone of you knows that all these will also cause dental problems during winters. When you consult the dentist in Delhi, he will advise you on the correct oral hygiene that needs to be followed during winters. Also, let’s see here some of the winter problems and how to get rid of them.

Cold Sores

This is formed around your lips and normally triggered by fatigue, stress, and cold weather.  To stay away from this problem, moisturize your lips as frequently as you can. It is also good to wash your hands every now and then. It is ideal not to touch your mouth.

Canker Sores

This will always be peak during winter seasons and will get worse when you consume spicy and acidic foods. Rinsing your mouth with a mixture of warm water with salt will ease the symptoms.

Chapped lips

During winter, your mouth will be exposed to wind, cold, and sun. You can do all your favorite outdoor activities but it will affect your lips that consist of thin skin very badly. Apply petroleum jelly on the cracked lips. You can also apply a lip balm that contains SPF so that you will be protected from the UV rays of the sun.

Dry Mouth

Your mouth will feel dry during winter as there is less moisture in the air which leads to  less production of saliva that results in dry mouth. The remedy is to drink plenty of water as this will hydrate your mouth. It is also ideal to place a humidifier in your home that will result in more moisture.

Tooth Sensitivity

The breathing during cold winters and drinking hot or cold drinks will result in tooth pain. You should go for the toothpaste that is specially made for sensitive teeth.

Gum Infection

During winter, the gums are prone to inflammation as well as an infection because of the cold climate and weaker immune system. It is ideal not to touch your mouth and continue with good oral hygiene.

 Your dentist might also provide you with the following tips:

  • Brushing your
    teeth twice daily
  • You should floss
    your teeth every day
  • Replace
    toothbrush once in three months
  • Go for a dental
    checkup and cleaning twice a year
  • Eating healthy
    diet along with drinking plenty of water is ideal
  • If you have any
    concerns or symptoms, contact your dentist immediately

Good oral hygiene advocated by your dentist will help you lead a healthy mouth during winter.