Top 5 Winter Skincare Tips That You Should Follow
December 3, 2021Winters are colliding at the door with cool breeze and foggy environment. A human skin tends to dry out quickly and needs a lot of moisturization. Skincare routine is extremely important for all age groups. Even during the season transition period, skin behaves abnormally. Sometimes skin is very dry, and the other moment you find oil at the corners of the nostrils. Pimples, small blisters or white head formation is very common in dry skin. To avoid major complications and wastage of time, you must follow top 5 winter skincare tips mentioned below-
CCM formula
CLEAN, CLEANSE and MOISTURIZE mostly advised by the experts to keep skin hydrated and smooth during winters. Specialists who offer skincare tips suggests, that you must clean your face before leaving and coming back to home. In the morning, a basic routine use of face wash is necessary. You must cleanse your skin with a toner or a gel based cleanser at least 15 5 to 10 minutes later. Now, use moisturizer that includes SPF UV protection formula on the facial skin.
Avoid cold water
Do not wash your face with cold or hot water. It will heighten wrinkles, shrink your smooth skin and disturbs the PH level. To maintain the skin nourishment and moisture naturally, you must wash your face using lukewarm water. If the TDS level is very high in your regular tap water, then use alkaline or filter water to wash face.
Drink plenty of water
Many of us forget to drink water during winters frequently. This is a wrong habit that should be altered right now. You should drink at least 4 litres of water in a whole day at a gap of 1 to 2 hours. Our body is comprised of water mostly and it requires water to hydrate skin. However, skincare routine cosmetic tools are useless if your body lacks water intake.
Take health supplements
Herbal and Ayurveda health supplements that nourishes skin are available in the market. If you are above 30, and find dark spots, dullness or roughness in the skin texture during winters, then you must start consuming vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D3 and iron combined health supplements.
Reduce exfoliation process
Exfoliation is the most essential amongst all skincare tips. Scrubbing too much to exfoliate skin and release dirt from the pores may damage the PH level. Twice a month scrubbing is enough for skin hygiene in winters.