How To Take Care Of Your Skin In Winters

January 7, 2020 0 By siteadmin

We all suffer from dry air as well as harsh wind during winter. This will make the moisture to disappear and causes cracking, chapping, and irritation. 

No wonder whichever parts of the world you live in, you are affected by winter. So if you want to look beautiful during cold winter you have to follow some skincare tips which will give your skin a youthful look and keeps it healthy throughout the winter.

  • During winter don’t go for hot showers though it might make you feel warm and comfortable. Hot showers will strip your skin from natural moisturizing lipids and makes your skin dry. Use a good moisturizer, take only warm shower, use super-emollient lotion for hands, heels or anywhere else.
  • Whatever may be the season, one thing is common which is Sun. So you have to apply sunscreen lotion during all seasons. But during winter you will be wearing heavy clothes so if you apply sunscreen that too that which contains SPF 15 on your face as your skin is exposed throughout the winter.
  • You have to exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. This will make the skin to absorb extra moisture. The water in your body might get absorbed very easily. If the exfoliation is not done, it will result in premature aging of the skin and the occurrence of fine lines. Also, your skin might look puffy and grey.
  • It is ideal to use the soap or cleanser that contains oils and emollients. You need to moisturize your skin frequently as it will only maintain skin health. After the bath dry your skin and moisturize your overall body. You can also pour oils in the bathwater. This will enter into your skin and provide it with the necessary nourishment.
  • When you switch on the heat and the windows are all closed, the room temperature will increase that results in the dryness of your skin. The skin might also be itching. So it is important for you to use a humidifier and apply the same to your nasal passages so that it will not end in dryness and prevent your skin from becoming dry. Use it to place moisture in the air. The prices of these humidifiers are reasonable and there is no harm in spending for your house where you will spend most of the time.

Now you have seen some of the skincare tips which will help in maintaining your skin in good condition during winters. Follow the same to get the beautiful skin during winter.