How To Get Rid Of Hyper-pigmentation- Laser Therapy Or Home Remedies?
December 12, 2021Flawless skin is a desire of every human being on Earth. Soft and supple skin, bright complexion and no uneven surface is what all of us aspire. But, unfortunately our skin has a substance called melanin that is always keen to absorb Ultra violet rays the moment comes in direct contact with the sun. The excessive accumulation of cells at one place due to extra collection of melanin substance creates pigmentation. These are red or brown colour bumped boil like structures which protrude over the dermis layer and give an ugly look. However, in clinical term it is known as hyperpigmentation.
What are the causes of hyperpigmentation?
Dermatologists around the world found various skincare tips and medicines that can reduce or prevent the growth of pigmentation. But, before that you must know the actual causes of hyperpigmentation-
- Skin injury– Bug bites, acne lesions, psoriasis or adrenal gland mal-functioning can cause pigment formation on the facial skin.
- Melasma– This is a hormonal change that occurs mostly during pregnancy or because of birth control pills. It alters hormones in women which causes pigment development rapidly.
- Sun burn– Exposure under the sun for a very long time may cause melanin rush. The abnormality in skin is actively seen when melanin absorbs an excessive amount of UV rays. Mostly under eyes, corners of the eyes or near nostrils, hyperpigmentation occurs.
How to get rid of hyperpigmentation?
There is pigmentation treatment in Delhi implemented by renowned specialists. They offer treatment through drugs, cosmetic surgery, or else by laser therapy. Usually, folks propose skincare tips that integrate natural ingredients. But, patience is the key to success, and some lack in it. Treatment of hyper-pigmentation through home remedies may take test of your patience, hence they are worth trying. However, in the market various packs, Aloe Vera extract gel and serums are available for daily use.
To get skin treatment in Delhi through laser technique, you must consult a dermatologists or a skin care expert holistic clinic. With the help of laser sessions you can get rid of hyper pigmentation completely. The success rate of laser therapy for dark spots and pigmentation is remarkable.
Therefore, who are looking for a cheaper treatment may try out below mention skincare tips–
- Tea tree oil- It is an essential oil that should be applied mixed with coconut oil twice or thrice a week. It reduces the effects of melanin and regenerate cells.
- Apple cider vinegar– It is a magical natural remedy that treats all type of skin problems. You can apply the solution of water and vinegar twice a week on the affected area with a damp cotton ball. Let it dry on its own and within few weeks you will find a good change in your face skin.